I Am a Brown Mexican American Female: Part II

I am a brown Mexican American Female.

I am full chested with a slender body and a confident smile that reaches up to my eyes.

I am all the things I ever wanted to be and at times all the things I wish I wasn’t.

I am full spirited, quiet, loud, childlike, adultlike, nervous at times, confident most times, and grateful.

I am guided by my ancestors: curanderas, farmers, entrepreneurs, cooks, and warriors…

I am guided by my culture: connected with passed loved ones, connected constantly with living loved ones, proud of my humble roots.

I am because I am not.

I am not because I am.

I am.


-Angela Christina Christy Ruiz


A Poem By: The Only Person of Color in an All White Psychedelic Organization


I Am a Brown Mexican American Female: Part I